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This year has seen most of us spending more time than ever before in our homes. The lockdown, followed by continued restrictions on working in offices, going out and visiting family, means that many of us have spent a good deal of 2020 holed up in our homes.

A new survey by Yale Retail UK recently revealed that Brits are spending an additional eight hours a day in their properties as a result of the global pandemic.

The Sun shared the findings, noting that before Covid-19, we spent an average of nine hours in our abodes on an average day. Now, however, that length of time has almost doubled.

This has, understandably, led many people to view their properties in a different light and while there are certainly some who are realising that their home doesn’t quite meet their needs, there are others, 58 per cent of those surveyed in fact, who admitted that this period has given them a new-found fondness for their homes.

As a result, we’ve been spending money to make improvements to our properties, with the average Brit spending £592 this year on the likes of new furniture, home security and even building work.

Managing director of Yale Retail UK Duncan Chamberlain commented: “With this extra appreciation for our homes, it’s more important than ever to keep our homes and possessions safe and secure.”

He suggested that, as people are spending increasing amounts of money to get their home exactly as they’d like it, that it is also worth considering their home security and how this could be improved at the same time.

In fact, some 33 per cent of those questioned have been doing just that, with these homeowners spending money to beef up their home security. The survey also found that as many as one in ten people don’t feel secure in their home, with the organisation pointing out that there are simple steps we can take to change this.

Replacing door locks, fitting a smart home alarm system and upgrading doors or windows were among the suggestions made, as well as being the top choices for those who have already invested in improving their home security this year.

As we approach Home Security Month in the UK, which falls in October each year, it’s a good time to reflect on how well protected your property is.

Last year the organisers busted some myths surrounding home security, including pointing out that leaving an outdoor light on won’t necessarily deter burglars, and could in fact help them, as well as noting that it’s just as important to consider your home’s security during the day as it is at night.

Although there is a commonly-held belief that most burglaries occur at night, the organisation revealed that Office for National Statistics data shows that around 70 per cent of domestic burglaries occur during the week, with two-fifths happening during the morning or afternoon.

If you’re not sure how your home security measures up, you could ask a locksmith in Hackbridge, or wherever you live, to visit your property and assess it for you. They will be able to advise you on the most appropriate home security solutions for your needs.

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