Do Ideal Locksmiths cover my post code or area?
We cover anywhere within a 15 mile radius of Sutton (much of London and Surrey) for more detail on which areas we cover check out the MAP AND AREA LISTING
How soon can we get someone out?
We’ll give you an accurate expected time of arrival which is usually 20 to 40 minutes after your call, if we can’t make it in that time we will tell you at outset
Can you come in the evening/weekends or at a certain time?
We operate 24 hours a day 365 day a year. For any emergency requirements we will aim to be with you within 20 to 40 minutes of your call. We will be happy to arrange set times convenient for you for non-emergency work
Can you open and repair my lock or do you have to drill it?
Using the latest techniques, we are able to open 99% of all locks with virtually no damage and drilling will be the last resort so as to keep the cost down for you
How long will it take to secure my property?
Times can vary depending on the work required; we will give you a good indication after your call.
How do I know how much it will cost?
In most cases we will give you a price for the complete job at the outset. We only charge for labour, plus parts, plus VAT (no callout charge) NO HIDDEN CHARGES
How can I pay?
We accept cash, advance bank transfer, debit cards, and credit cards, you will get a VAT receipt on completion of the work
Can you supply new locks or parts if necessary?
Our locksmiths carry a comprehensive range of locks and associated security parts in their van, so the work will be done on the visit (in most cases) and as there’s no call out charge there’s nothing to worry about if we have to come back
What guarantee do I get?
All parts and work are guaranteed for 12 months
Can you advise whether I need extra security on my property to be safe or to comply with insurance?
The locksmith will advise what security would be necessary when he is there
Do my locks conform to British Standard?
We will fit locks that conform to British Standard ‘insurance approved’ where necessary.
How will I know it’s your locksmith?
When you book we will tell you who is coming and also ask the locksmith to phone before he arrives to confirm all your details including telling you his name, all our locksmiths carry ID and drive vans that are easy to recognise.